Dr. Sakiru Adebola Solarin is a Profossor of Economics at the Faculty of Business, Multimedia University Malaysia. He earned his Bachelor of Economics (BSc. Economics) with Honours from University of Ilorin, Nigeria; Master of Economics (MSc. Economics) from University of Lagos, Nigeria; Master of Islamic Finance and Banking from Insaniah University College (MIFB), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Economics from University Utara Malaysia. In terms of teaching, Dr. Solarin has been a teacher since 2009. He served as a tutor at University Utara Malaysia, while undergoing his PhD studies for the period, 2009-2012. Since 2012, he has been teaching at Multimedia University Malaysia. Since 2011, Dr. Solarin has been involved in many research areas, including Islamic Banking and Finance, Energy Economics, Tourism Economics, Defence Economics and Applied Econometrics. He has published his research works in the ISI-Web of Science (ISI-WoS), Scopus and other indexed journals such as Ecological Indicators, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Economic Modelling, Current Issues in Tourism, Energy Policy, Energy, Quality and Quantity, Defence and Peace Economics, Natural Hazards, etc. Additionally, he is also a reviewer and editorial board member for many international and local scholarly journals.