Lilian Anthonysamy is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia where she heads the Bachelor of Digital Enterprise Management Programme. Dr. Lilian holds the title of Professional Technologist, accredited by the Malaysian Board of Technologies (MBOT), earning her the designation Ts (Technology Specialist). Additionally, she is also a certified trainer endorsed by the Malaysian Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF). She is also the internal auditor for MyRA for Multimedia University.
As a certified trainer, she has conducted programs run by Multimedia University Consultancy Unit, Cynergy, and other large corporations for 19 years. She has provided training in many areas, including Design Thinking, Digital Leadership, Digital Mindset and Strategy, Digital, Hybrid and blended learning, Ms Office Applications, Visual Communication, Soft Skills, Driving Digital Transformation, Digital Skills for workplace productivity applications, and research-based training like writing a research proposal, developing and validating questionnaires, conducting systematic literature reviews, Structured-Equation Modelling using SmartPLS, preparing for proposal defence, and acing viva. She conducted training programs for local as well as international participants. Among the clients she has provided training programmes for were MOHE (Ministry of Higher Education), MOE (Ministry of Education), KBS (Ministry of Youth and Sports), (PSD)The Public Service Department, CTRM Aero Composites Sdn Bhd, TM, Khazanah, Pintas Utama, PUSB Engineering Sdn Bhd , Bank Islam, and Economic Planning Unit (Ministry of Economy)s Department.
She holds a Bachelor of Information Technology degree (Hons) majored in Information Systems Engineering from Multimedia University, Malaysia, a master’s degree in Technology and Innovation Management from University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka and a PhD degree from the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University. She is an avid researcher. She has actively participated in 17 research grants within the last seven years. Her research interests include Information technology adoption in businesses, human factors in information systems, digital transformation in organisations, geriatric studies, digital and seamless learning, digital literacy, anthropology of individual behaviour, learning methodologies, and educational technology. She is also an advocator for the empowerment of resilient learners. She currently serves as a reviewer for many high-tiered journals. Dr Lilian is also a senior member of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, a professional technologist of the Malaysian Board of Technologies, a member of the Malaysia Educational Technology Association, Malaysian Institute of Management, Association of Information Systems, Malaysia Design Council and the Centre of Consumer Research and Education, Multimedia University.