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Muhammad Asyraf Bin Mhd Pauzi Lecturer FACULTY OF CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA (FCM) Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia 63100, Cyberjaya, Selangor 03-83125633 asyraf.pauzi@mmu.edu.my ![]() ![]() |
Muhammad Asyraf is a designer, photographer ,researcher and an Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Creative Multimedia at Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia. He is currently the member of Interface Design Programme in the faculty of Creative Multimedia.He obtained a Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Interface Design from Multimedia University and currently Pursuing Master by Research in the same university.
As a researcher he is an active member of Universal Usability and Interaction Design (UUID) and Digital Capture(Digicap). His research includes presentation technique, rapid prototyping , digital capture(2d and 3d) and culture heritage. He has published in various internationally multi-disciplinary refereed conference papers,monograph and cataloques. He also taking part in creative exhibition locally and internationally .
He has been an active faculty member and being in various committee servicing the faculty and university such as Lets Excel programme,faculty gallery committee, faculty website committe. He also was a leader for faculty photography unit in 2013 and 2014 and chair a faculty showcase committe in 2009. As the member of Interface Design Department, he is been active in developing the Interface Design programmes over the last 9 years.