Mr. Noor Hisham is a graduate of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ( UTM ) with a Bachelor's Degree in Science Computer (Computer Systems) in year 2002 and a Master's Degree Master of Computer Science (Internetworking Technology) from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka (UTEM). He achieved a Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP) certification in the year 2008.
His working experience started in the year 2002 as an IT Manager in SPACE UTM and then accepted an offer as a System Engineer in CITS1, Multimedia University(MMU). In the year 2010, he was promoted to IT Manager at NTU, MMU Melaka. Under the SMILES project in 2013, he was assigned as a Manager under Education Management Services (EMS) in VADS Berhad. In 2016, he was accepted as Specialist 1 in the Centre for Diploma Programme (CDP) at MMU. He is a certified Professional Technologist (MBOT) and a Certified Trainer (TTT) from Human Resource Development (HRDF) Malaysia. He has been awarded an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner & AWS Educator in the year 2023. He was appointed as a Subject Matter Expert for MMU IT Services Division(ITSD) from 2018 until 2020. He currently continues his duty in the Faculty of Information Science and Technology(FIST).